WPMotivate: Project Launches of the Week for the Product Creation Machines

This week, Kathy and Michelle talk about their passion projects and how ideas flow for new creative ventures. Michelle announces the new podcast she’s starting with Hazel Quimpo, Audacity Marketing, and a new sticker business. Kathy talks about YouTube content ideas and how one idea leads to another, as well as her adventures in exploring…

WPMotivate – Milestones and Timelines: Our Long WordPress Journeys

As WordPress approaches it’s 20th birthday, Michelle and Kathy review our own personal journeys with WordPress, from our very early days of working with blogs and websites to our first introduction to the worldwide WordPress community. Like us, WordPress has come a long way from the early days, and we think that the community and…

WPMotivate: The Weirdest Thing Just Happened in a Dream

As we start 2023 where we’ve talked about our dreams for the future, Kathy and Michelle talk about some of the dreams of the past. Recurring dreams, dreams that haunt you for days, or dreams that you share with others lead us to wonder what exactly is happening in our subconscious minds. While Michelle had…

Beyond Gratitude in 2023: How Surrendering to Adversity Can Help Expand Your Ability to Find Joy

Christmas still hasn’t happened yet for Michelle, whose family was impacted by blizzard hurricane conditions in upstate New York. Looking back over the challenges of 2022, Kathy and Michelle are ready to put the year behind them and turn their attention to new goals and new projects. We talk a little about where we’re putting…

WPMotivate: Gratitude for the Conveniences of the Internet at Christmastime

With Christmas upon us, we’ve got a lot to be grateful for in being able to celebrate with our loved ones. In spite of winter trying to bring hardships and difficulties, Michelle and Kathy find ways of outsmarting old man winter and his cold and treacherous ways. This time of year can be great, but…