What’s in a name?

Michelle posted a poll on Twitter asking if people are really bothered about the "capital P dangit" in WordPress. The responses were interesting, and everyone had an opinion. Kathy and Michelle both share their thoughts about the camelcase P in WordPress, as well as how we in the WordPress community might be supportive toward important…

WPMotivate: Overcoming Challenges and Setting Visions for the Future

Michelle recovering after COVID and Kathy dealing with a dead fridge add some challenges, but we work through letting go and moving through those challenges, towards a vision of the future. What does the future look like for us? How will we continue to contribute to WordPress and the larger community as we get older?…

Open Source is Freedom

Kathy and Michelle share stories of connecting with website builders and small business owners who don’t know anything about WordPress, and the interesting insights and discussions that happen when we talk to people outside of the WordPress space. On the continuum of easy almost-built-for-you site builders to hand-coded HTML sites on bare metal servers, WordPress…

May 22, 2023

In this week’s episode Kathy and Michelle discuss the things in life that just feel good…whether society-at-large agrees, or not. Sometimes referred to as “guilty pleasures” these things are often acts of self-care for our own mental health. And they can look different to different people. For you, it might mean going for a run…

Diverse Communities Thrive

Sometimes WPMotivate is our way of working through life’s challenges in a productive way of looking at challenging situations. In this week’s episode, we talk about dealing with other people’s judgements and why diversity is important to our global WordPress community. After a simple observation turned into a firestorm on Twitter, Michelle found herself in…

WPSpeakers and Generative AI: What We’re Learning This Week

Michelle recently launched WPSpeakers.com, a place for podcasters, event managers, and others to find WordPress experts to share their knowledge and inspire others to do more with WordPress. Michelle shares some of her experiences introducing this resource. Kathy has been playing with generative AI tools which is inspiring her to see creative opportunities in this…

WPMotivate – Coming into WordPress: I Found My People

After reflecting on WordCamp Phoenix and their experience repping Kadence as a sponsor together, Kathy asks Michelle how she’s so good at making everyone in the WordPress space feel like they belong. Michelle shares her experience coming into WordPress as a new community member. We talk about the importance of community and welcoming everyone as…

WP Motivate – WordCamp Phoenix: Being Intentional with Your Actions

In this episode, Kathy and Michelle are together at WordCamp Phoenix where they were both speakers and representing Kadence as sponsors. They enjoyed a little of that amazing Phoenix weather, recording outside the venue to talk about the experiences at WordCamp Phoenix and the intentions they share. Both Michelle and Kathy have distinct goals that…

The Tiara Episode: Jewels in our Crowns As We Achieve and Get Recognition

This episode is worth a watch as well as a listen as Kathy and Michelle don their tiaras and talk about some of the recent accomplishments they’ve had. Kathy and her team organized the recent Kadence Amplify event, a one-day, two-track event highlighting the brilliance of the WordPress and Kadence community. And Michelle has her…

WPMotivate: Women Supporting Women: Seeing Your Value in the Mirror Others Hold for You

Both Kathy and Michelle have had recent experiences where other women have held up a mirror to show them how they’re seen by others. During Women’s History Month, we’ve been blessed by other women showing where our value really lies. We also talk about our goals in our work in the WordPress community: to empower…